CV Picture
Melanie Dawson Primary Teacher
A dedicated educationist with experience of handling little children and teaching the primary classes. I have been teaching grade 4 for more than eight years now. Every grade has it's own requirements and I try to perform my duties in a way that children learn new concepts and also develop a confident and secure personality which will become a well-rounded adult as they grow up. I am hard working and focused and have so far helped many children with achieving not just grades but also a strong footing in every subject and extracurricular activity at school.

Work Experience

Lucille Academy
Grade 4 Teacher (Feb 2016 to Present) 8 Years & 5 Months
• I teach grade 4 children and also ensure that they learn more out of the books than from them! • My concepts are to make children understand everything so well that they do not need to revise it. Grade 4 is the basic class and I ensure that all students walk out of the class with clear concepts and understanding. • I prepare reports cards and give each student grades on the weekly or monthly assignments and quizzes.
Nevada Education
Grade 4 Teacher (Apr 2012 to Jan 2016) 3 Years & 9 Months
• I worked four years for the school and provided an overall teaching experience to the students. • From class work to home work designing and workseeths to tests and quizzes, I was in charge of every academic activity. • Moreover, I was responsible for making children participate in every extra curricular to find their own forte and excel in sports, drama and debates. I also supervised the classes after school for ensuring that each student was given a fair chance to try all activities.
Sunshing Primary Academy
Primary Teacher (Jan 2009 to Mar 2012) 3 Years & 2 Months
• I was responsible for making class assignments and worksheets of all subjects for grade 4. • I was responsible for teaching the grade 4 students all basic subjects. It was school policy to introduce Science and secondary subjects through a special course called Practicals. • We conducted interesting experiments to explain different science, geography and social studies to the students.


Las Vegas College
BS (Education)(1994 - 1998) 
A good student.
Frontier High
High School Diploma(1992 - 1994) 
A good student.


Annual Parents' Day
I was awarded for excellent preparations and selection for the annual functions' performance by grade 4. I was given the Best Teacher for Performance on PD for three years.
Best Results
I was appreciated and given a bonus for teaching my class in a way that the whole class scored above 90th percentile in the tests designed by the external student program.

Professional Skills

  • Understanding
    • 1dsfsdgsdg
    • 2dsfsdgsdg
    • 3dsfsdgsdg
    • 4dsfsdgsdg
    • 5dsfsdgsdg
  • Communicative
    • 1dsfsdgsdg
    • 2dsfsdgsdg
    • 3dsfsdgsdg
    • 4dsfsdgsdg
    • 5dsfsdgsdg
  • Creative
    • 1dsfsdgsdg
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    • 3dsfsdgsdg
    • 4dsfsdgsdg
    • 5dsfsdgsdg
  • Child Nurturing
    • 1dsfsdgsdg
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    • 3dsfsdgsdg
    • 4dsfsdgsdg
    • 5dsfsdgsdg
  • Activity Designs
    • 1dsfsdgsdg
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    • 3dsfsdgsdg
    • 4dsfsdgsdg
    • 5dsfsdgsdg
  • Worksheet Compilations
    • 1dsfsdgsdg
    • 2dsfsdgsdg
    • 3dsfsdgsdg
    • 4dsfsdgsdg
    • 5dsfsdgsdg
  • Quizzing
    • 1dsfsdgsdg
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    • 3dsfsdgsdg
    • 4dsfsdgsdg
    • 5dsfsdgsdg
  • Class Discussions
    • 1dsfsdgsdg
    • 2dsfsdgsdg
    • 3dsfsdgsdg
    • 4dsfsdgsdg
    • 5dsfsdgsdg
  • Trust Building
    • 1dsfsdgsdg
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    • 3dsfsdgsdg
    • 4dsfsdgsdg
    • 5dsfsdgsdg
  • Child Psychology
    • 1dsfsdgsdg
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    • 3dsfsdgsdg
    • 4dsfsdgsdg
    • 5dsfsdgsdg
  • Reward and Appreciation Systems
    • 1dsfsdgsdg
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    • 3dsfsdgsdg
    • 4dsfsdgsdg
    • 5dsfsdgsdg
  • Disciplined
    • 1dsfsdgsdg
    • 2dsfsdgsdg
    • 3dsfsdgsdg
    • 4dsfsdgsdg
    • 5dsfsdgsdg

Personal Skills







English (US)
Native or Bilingual Proficiency


United States
Date of Birth
Marital Status
Driving License

Special Project

- I accompanied Grade 10 students to Los Angeles for four days.
- It was a school trip and the supervisors were selected by the school administration.
- I was chosen due to my responsible and dutiful outlook.